Photo en

A western style movie and photo studio covered in a beautiful ivy  who carefully raised for 20 years “T’s Studio Yamanakako”

It is a house studio of a house for taking pictures of natural light beautifully inserted from many windows and skylights.
Site area 1000 square meters. British style on the first floor and French style on the second floor. I bought everything from furniture to lighting, fittings and moldings all over the site. Ceiling height 3.5 m

[Renting studio · photography studio · house studio · movie and photo studio]
[House, Western-style house, detached house, Western style, Fireplace]
[Skylight · herringbone · mosaic flooring · Hadonhoru]

【Contact · Location request / reservation reception】
TEL: +81 80 6539 2685


洋館ハウススタジオ クラシックヨット撮影

 スタジオINDEX ClickPhotoStudio スタジオ検索ドットコム 撮影スタジオ.jp


We introduced a bio ethanol fireplace.

Because bioethanol fuel is used, smoke does not come out. You can adjust the height and width of the flame. You can not take such a beautiful flame by burning firewood in a fireplace. It is suitable for shooting as it can be in the same state for a long time.